Sunday, December 14, 2008

iT's BeGiNiNg To LoOk A lOt LiKe ChRiStMaS!

So I just have to apologize first off because this post is going to be pretty long so I'm sorry! We have been quite busy the past couple weeks getting ready for our favorite holiday CHRISTMAS!!! We are happy to say that we finished up our christmas shopping last night and even got them all wrapped up! Whoot Whoot! Now we can just enjoy the holiday spirit!
Here is our beautiful Christmas tree! I just love it!
Logan put up our Christmas lights a few weeks back and he did such a great job! I have the best husband in the world! (picture doesn't do them justice but they really do look great!)
This is my one and only nativity scene! My cute little lady Anna (who's hair I used to do at school every week) made it for me last year! Its just the cutest thing ever! I know you are all jealous!
So my sister Michele and I get together every week and make craft projects! We get a little crazy sometimes and our husbands think we are dorks, but we just love it! It's my favorite day of the week, so thank you Michele for always being up for whatever project we come up with! You are the best! So here are some of the things that we made this year for the holiday season! I am only posting a few because really, we get a little carried away sometimes and that would be way too many pictures!
This is my favorite thing that we made this year!
It really turned out better than what we were picturing!

This was actually a relief society project that we changed up and made our own! Thanks mom and Michele for going with me!
Bring on the SNOW!!!
Christmas just isn't Christmas without the snow if you ask me! So I was pretty stoked when we woke up the other morning and there was snow everywhere!
Here is the view off our back deck of all the pretty snow!
Elle showin off her stellar snowsuit!
(she really is such a pansy when it comes to the cold!)
Elle out playing in the snow! She loved it! That is till she got cold!
She finally decided that she had had enough and wanted to come in!
Logan got up and went outside to shovel the walks and was out there for quite some time! Elle was hangin out with him and some neighbor girls came over to see her and the next thing you know they left and came back with shovels and started helping him shovel the driveway! It was the cutest thing ever! We really hadn't ever met them but they were so quick to lend a helping hand! So thank you girls!

Here is logan playin in the snow! Take a look at our neighbors tramp! Needless to say the wind got a little crazy!

Here are the two cute girls that helped us shovel the driveway! Dont worry I made them some hot coco when we were all done! :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

HaPpY BiRtHdAy MeLaNiE!!

Tonight we went over to my parents house and had a birthday party for my cute sister Melanie! We ate some dinner, ate birthday cake, and played around! She is such a cutie and we just love her so much! Happy Birthday Mel!

Zoe and the birthday girl!

The birthday girl and Porter!

Logan and Jaisa at the party, wavin' to the camera!
Man, they sure are cute aren't they?

And me and the birthday girl! What a fun night!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

tRiCk oR tReAt!!

Happy Halloween! Logan and I went to my parents house for Halloween this year (so we didnt have to buy candy ourselves for the trick or treaters- haha) Jackson was there and my sister Michele and her cute family came down also. All the kids were dressed up so cute! They went trick or treating and we hung out with my dad and ordered some pizza-pretty exciting Halloween if you ask me! But the best part was my costume! I work at a pediatricians office and we all had to dress up this year for halloween- not a problem for me cause personally I love dressing up! So my cute mom and sister michele helped me make my super cool costume! it really was fun and it didnt turn out too bad! so thanks to them! Michele liked my idea so much that she even made one for her cute little girl out of my scraps, so we got to be twinners this year! but i have to tell you she looked much cuter than I did! I told some of my fam that i would post a few pictures of our project and the big night so here they are!

Me and Jaisa in our twinner suits!

The cow named Porter!

Logan and the cute little bumble bee!

We HaVe ArRiVeD!!

Hello blog world! So my friends and family have been buggin me for quite some time about getting a blog so here you go! I'm not promising anything but I will try and keep you all up to date with what is going on in our lives!