Thursday, October 13, 2011

6 MoNtH pHoTo ShOoT!

Can I just start by saying that Taylee is my favorite!?! I just love this little cutie more and more every day. And I can not believe that she is 6 months old!!! She is SO much fun! Logan And I are just loving every minute with her! Here are a few things that we just love about her:

~She is so quick to smile- and it is such a beautiful smile!

~She can army crawl now and she's into everything and can go wherever she wants!

~She can sit up and play with her toys but it doesn't last long cause she's always wanting to go somewhere!

~She lets you know if you hurt her feelings. She is definitely a girl cause this happens all the time!

~She loves her mama :)

~She thinks her daddy is pretty funny!

~She loves to eat!

~She can suck out of a straw now and won't let you be selfish with your drink!

~She loves her puppy, Elle. I think she talks more to her then anybody!

~Sometimes she finds the bow in her hair and when she does she loves to pull it off and suck on it! (mom doesn't love this but dad and Tay think its pretty funny)

~She gives the best "kisses"!

~She loves when we sing to her and her favorite song is 'I often go walking' (we change the last line to "dear Taylee all flowers remind me of you!")

~She loves to sleep in bed with mom and dad all snuggled up! (we are working on this one...)

~She LOVES the shower! I think she could spend hours in there and be one happy gal!

~She is super ticklish! And has the cutest laugh! (her dad gets her going pretty good!)

~She is so talkative! We LOVE it!

We are SO blessed to have such a sweet little girl in our home! We can't imagine life without her.

My good friend Alisha took Tay's pictures for us the other day and I love how they turned out! The pictures show a bit of her personality (some serious, some happy, some just show how darn pretty she is!) and like I said,Taylee is army crawling all over the place now and is into everything! So it wasn't easy to get these pics but we got it done! Thanks Alisha!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

TaY: 2-4 MoNtHs oLd **WARNING- LoTs Of PiCs**

I can't believe this little cutie is four months old! Time just flies so darn fast these days. Logan and I could not be happier! I think Taylee is pretty happy too! We are enjoying every second of every day with Tay.

This is where we started with our little girl- 7lbs 9oz

2 week visit 7lbs 15 oz

2 month well child check- 12lbs 14 oz Notice 95% in weight and 97% in height! We love that she's got a little extra chub!

At 2 months Tay started smiling and even laughing a bit when you tickle her! She has just been so much fun! Here are a few pics of her around 2 and 3 months old.

Got to spend my 24th birthday with my little girly! She really was happy the whole day- till we took this picture! haha

Daddy celebrated his 27th birthday! We both agree that the very best present that we have is Taylee! :)Taylee at 4 months- 15lbs 13oz (85%!) She has been SO much fun! She laughs all the time and is so happy! Her dad has a little too much fun tickling the poor girl! She is SUPER ticklish! She laughs at her crazy mom- and is talking aka "cooing" and has so much to say! She has such a cute personality! Taylee has recently learned to roll over and does it so quickly now. She definitely has some lungs and for sure knows how to use them! I think she's a beautiful singer :) We just love everything about her! Look at those big feet!

Tay loves her daddy!

Her mommy is her favorite though! ;)
This is Logan's favorite pic- says it makes him laugh every time he sees it!
Taylee learned this cool new trick! Bet you all can't do this!- Go a head and try, I dare ya! ;)

She is honestly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

She LOVES her jumper! And she really is quite good at it!

Like I said before- Mommy is her favorite! :)

We got to go camping with my sister and her family and it was so much fun! This is pretty much what Taylee did the whole night! She is getting harder and harder to sleep with- she takes up so much room! lol All three of us slept in the same sleeping bag! We got to go on a few different four-wheeling trips with family and had a blast! Taylee doesn't totally love it but she still did good and was happy as can be the second that we took her out of her pack.

We even got to go swimming a few different times and Taylee loves it! Don't we all wish we had cool shades like Tay!

Taters sporting her swimming suit! Doesn't she look great! Gotta love those thunder thighs-I told her its the only time in her life that its cute to have 'em!

She loves to play with her toys! Her favorite is Thelma (that's the pink turtle)

She is a pretty good snuggler too- and we just can't get enough of her!
We just love love love this little girl and I'm pretty sure she loves us too! We are all so happy right now- On one hand I wish I could freeze this moment forever and on the other I'm so excited for the future! We love you Tay- SO so SO much!

~gOiNg pRiVaTe~

Now that we've got a little one I've decided its time to go private. Please leave your email so I can add you to my list. Love you all!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

RaNdOm oLd NeWs!

I started this blog a while ago but figured I'd still better post it cause there are some cute pictures of our little family! More posts to come of what we are doing now days!

A few Cute Pics of Tay

Taylee and Zoe hangin out!

Our sleeping beauty!
A little family picture

I have SO many pictures of Taylee that I just can't ever decide how many is ok to post! She is SO much fun and we really are just loving every second that we get to spend with her.

Poor Daddy :(
Logan was out one night playing basketball with some friends and twisted his knee while he was trying to do a cool trick. We went to the doc the next day and found out that he had torn his ACL :( The poor boy had to get surgery but he was so good about the whole thing. The doc says it will be about 8-10 months of recovery but so far he is recovering pretty well.
In the recovery room right after surgery. Logan had some pretty funny things to say when he got back! I got a pretty good kick out of it but I still felt bad for him :(

Taylee did such a good job of taking care of her daddy in the best way that she knows how! Lots and lots of cuddling!

Logan's poor knee

We are happy to say it no longer looks like that!

Island Park Adventures
A few months ago we got to go to Island Park with my family and spend the week there. It was SO much fun to spend some time with family! We went four-wheeling, hiking, a little bit of sight-seeing, and lots and lots of eating and playing games! SO glad we were able to go!

Getting ready to go on a four-wheeler ride! Note Taylee's cute little nose in this picture! Isn't it just so darn cute! ;)

Going on a ride with Grandma Zoe

Taylee looking beautiful as ever!

Daddy and Tay

Mommy and Tay (gotta LOVE those cheeks!)
My sisters and brother-in-law organized us all so that we could get family pictures done while we were there. Most of them turned out so cute! Thanks you guys!


Our little family taking a hike up by Jenny Lake. I love that there are three of us now!

This is how Tay got to go four-wheeling. She really was such a good girl!

Mom and Tay on a hike

I don't know why but I don't have many pictures with my family or their kids! I'll have to get some. But we were SO glad that so many were able to come and we missed all that couldn't! We really had such a great time and can't wait for our next family outing!