Thursday, May 7, 2009

tUrNiNg 8, A bApTiSiM, aNd A gRaDuAtIoN!

Jaxon Val turned 8!
I'm a little slow these past few weeks but on the 20th of April, Jaxon Val turned 8 years old! We went over for a good ol' party at the Schenks! We ate some dinner, played some games, and of course had cake and icecream! We had a blast! Jaxon has such a fun personality and is always making us laugh! We are so glad that we have him in our family!
The Goofey boys at the party...You gotta love 'em!

I got Baptized!
This last Saturday was chuck full of family and we loved it! Logan's little brother Jaxon was baptized and confirmed a member of the church! We got to spend some time with Logan's family and eat some yummy lunch! We are so proud of him and so excited that he made that great decision! Good job Jaxon! We love you!

Logan and I with the new member of the day, Jaxon!

Silly Boys!

The whole Schenk family!

This is Canon trying to prove that he is now taller then me... As you can CLEARLY see, I still have him beat! ha ha! Dream on Canon! You'll NEVER be taller then me! ;)

I Graduated!
Also on saturday my brother Christopher Graduated from Utah State in Psychology with a minor in business! We are so proud of him as well! Chris and his cute wife Haylie flew in from Oregon so that he could walk with his class for graduation. We are so glad that we got to spend some time with them and my family this weekend. Thanks for making the trip! Good job Chris! We love you!

Some of the Weston family with the man of the hour at the graduation!


Mike and Traci said...

Lora! I love your posts. I don't know what I'd do without them. They are next best thing to actually being there with you guys!! Thank you so much for posting things going on with you guys and both your families! I love your hair in the picture with Jaxson on his baptism day! Tell Logan we love all his brothers too! Of course we love to see pictures of the Weston's, but it's fun to see his family as well. His brothers are such good kids!

Eric and Andrea Budd said...

Lora, hi :) My sister told me about what happened today. Sorry! She called me freaking out, not knowing what was going on. But anyways, cute blog! You two are darling. Hope everything is going good!

Taiya Brown said...

Gee you guys had a busy weekend!! But, you're right it's always fun doing lots with family:) p.s I passed you & Logan yesterday and waved, but I don't think you saw me!

I & A said...

Hey cute girl how's it going? You look so cute! How's life treating you? What have you been up to? Seems like I haven't seen you for ages. I saw you have Taia on your list. You should ask her if she'll invite me to her blog.
Hope things are going well! Tell my cous hi!

James, Ash + Haddi said...

Hey beautiful!! I love looking at your blog it is so cute! :) I wish I could see you in real life tho....hmmm your birthday is coming so fast lora!!! I'm excited to see you! Hope all is well!
loves <3