Tuesday, November 25, 2008

HaPpY BiRtHdAy MeLaNiE!!

Tonight we went over to my parents house and had a birthday party for my cute sister Melanie! We ate some dinner, ate birthday cake, and played around! She is such a cutie and we just love her so much! Happy Birthday Mel!

Zoe and the birthday girl!

The birthday girl and Porter!

Logan and Jaisa at the party, wavin' to the camera!
Man, they sure are cute aren't they?

And me and the birthday girl! What a fun night!


LaNe aNd GiNa said...

Your family is so cute!! Love your new background!!

The Krebs said...

Hey! It's Jenn, What is your email? I wanted to invite you guys to our blog. How are you guys?

Joni said...

I love it! We sure wish that we could be there! I am so excited for Christmas, we really might take you up on us staying at your home...that is if the Grandmas will let us. :0)! Love You!

The Reese Family said...

LORA!! I havent checked your blog FoReVeR!!! I didn't think you had posted anything. Yahoo:) good girl. Lets hang out...Daxton has a little cold anyways, so bring it on:):) haha. He hasn't been sick forever so 'Tis the SeAsOn. Call us cause we never are doing ANYYYTHINGGG...:) and my poor husband is going through Logan withdrawals, like coming off a drug or something..haha

Bennetts said...

Lora, ya so you never told me you had a blog you butt!!!! Love it!thanks for letting me peak in on you..... dont you even worry now I will add you and blog stock ya! :)

Charee B Mcclellan said...

very cute blog, i found it thru shannas. fun times with you guys the other night. you are loads of fun. take care!

michelle said...

Lora! I'm so glad I found your blog...how is everything for you guys?