Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We LoVe SnOwMoBiLiN!

The other day our friends Jantzen and Kristen came with us out to my dad's farm and we went snowmobilin again! We have been so spoiled this season to be able to go as often as we have! Logan's dad let us take some of his snowmobiles so that we all got to drive our own. It really was so much fun! Kristen hadn't ever been but she did better than me! I'm kind of a wuss when it comes to my safety! Some of you already know that I will not ever ride with logan on a snowmobile, jet ski, dirt bike, you name it! And here is why...

Logan loves going off jumps and cliffs and whatever else he can do to get his blood pumping! So when we went up to the farm I told him I would only go if I got my own machine. Boy am I glad I did! After a few hours of riding we were stopping for a bit so that the boys could go mess around for a bit going of jumps and stuff. I was watchin Logan and all of the sudden he came flying off this jump with the nose of his sled pointing down! The next thing I know he is flying off and fliping through the air! His sled fliped all the way around and landed right side up and on top of him! I jumped on my sled and hurried over to him and when I pulled up the dang kid is just lying there with the biggest grin on his face! I about slapped him! He ended up messing up his leg a bit, he was okay and was still able to sled the rest of the day. It sure gave us a scare! That is why I dont ride with Logan!

Enjoying the scenery!

Logan playing in the snow!

Logan and I gettin ready to eat some grub!

Kristen and Jantzen messin around in the farm house!

This was just after Logan's little incident. I never got a picture of him under the sled but it really was quite a sight!


Chris and Hay said...

WOW! that picture of Logan in the air is amazing! Did you take that Lora with your fancy new camera?? That looks so fun we miss you guys tons! Hope you're keeping warm in Logan.

The Krebs said...

You guys are so cute together! We wish we had a snowmobile. Maybe one day! We should all get together after Shanna has the baby and hang-out. You guys are a lot of fun!