Sunday, October 18, 2009

WoRsT bLoGgEr EvEr, I kNoW!

Okay so I may be the worst blogger in the world but what can I say!? This is going to be a very quick update of whats been going on- And I don't want to hear any complaints about forgetting something! :) I'm going to do the best I can! So Here it goes!

Cruisin' With The Schenks!

We had SO much fun with all the boys and Momma K! Thank you all so much for making the trip so great and for taking us with you! We sure love you!!

Jackson Weston Got Baptized!

Okay so I don't have any pictures of Jack's big day but I am SO proud of him! He felt bad that I didn't put anything on my blog about him getting baptized- So this is for you Jacko! We sure love you and are SO glad that you made that great decision!

Mel and Kev's Wedding!
My cute big sister got married and we are SO excited for both of them! We love having Kevin as a part of our family and are so glad that they found one another! We sure love you guys!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

MoRe CaTcHiNg Up... IsLaNd PaRk WiTh ThE WeStOnS!

We were SO excited for this summer to start because we LOVE going on trips with our families! This year our first trip was to Island Park with my family! We had SO much fun with everyone and are so grateful to my parents for making it possible for all of us to get together every year!
Cute little Carter and good lookin' Logan!

All us girls took the kids on a four wheeler ride while the boys were out fishing one day! We even talked my mom into driving one! We had a blast! (I cant flip this pic on here and I'm too lazy to download it again... sorry!) :)

Marcus, Tyson, and Cruz hitching a ride from Kevin, Logan, and Drew at Yellowstone Park. They were such good sports and posed for this picture forever! Joni, Jill, and my mom got a little carried away with the pictures that day! haha But we love 'em!

Logan and Ty! I love this picture! Can you tell Tyson is saying "cheese"?!

Man I love this guy!

Tyson, Logan, me, Mel, and Kevin hangin' out!

We really had a great time on this trip! We love spending time with family every chance we get. We sure missed everyone that couldn't come and hope that they can all come next year!

CaTcH uP!...HaPpY BiRtHdAy To LoGaN AnD mE!

So It has been FOREVER since I last blogged and for that I appologize! We have had such a fun and busy summer! So I'll just do a quick catch up on a few of the things that we have been doing lately!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy To mE!

On June 7th we celebrated my birthday! We had dinner with my family and played games! It was a lot of fun and I am so grateful to have been born into such a great family!

Me and My hubby! Thanks for the great day Logan!

This was pretty much my favorite present! (sorry but its true)
My lil bro Jake has been serving a mission in Chicago. I dont know what got him started but one of his companions taught him how to knit! The last I heard from him I told him to knit me some slippers and a beeny for my birthday and he said he'd see what he could do! To be honest I really didnt think that he would but as you can see he did! I was SO excited and I just love em! He thought that the pom poms were a nice touch. I have to say I agree! Thank you Jake! I love em!

And what is a birthday without cake and candles! Thanks mom! And thank you to all who came and celebrated with me!

HaPpY BiRtHdAy To LoGaN!

On June 13 we celebrated Logan's 25th birthday! We went bowling and out to eat with Logan's family and then had everyone over for cake. It was a lot of fun! I am SO SO SO greatful that Logan was born and that he married me! He is such a wonderful husband and my very best friend. I sure love you Logan!

Jaxon, the birthday boy, and Canon

Man that sure is a lot of candles!
(I only got a few pictures of our fun night, sorry!)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

tUrNiNg 8, A bApTiSiM, aNd A gRaDuAtIoN!

Jaxon Val turned 8!
I'm a little slow these past few weeks but on the 20th of April, Jaxon Val turned 8 years old! We went over for a good ol' party at the Schenks! We ate some dinner, played some games, and of course had cake and icecream! We had a blast! Jaxon has such a fun personality and is always making us laugh! We are so glad that we have him in our family!
The Goofey boys at the party...You gotta love 'em!

I got Baptized!
This last Saturday was chuck full of family and we loved it! Logan's little brother Jaxon was baptized and confirmed a member of the church! We got to spend some time with Logan's family and eat some yummy lunch! We are so proud of him and so excited that he made that great decision! Good job Jaxon! We love you!

Logan and I with the new member of the day, Jaxon!

Silly Boys!

The whole Schenk family!

This is Canon trying to prove that he is now taller then me... As you can CLEARLY see, I still have him beat! ha ha! Dream on Canon! You'll NEVER be taller then me! ;)

I Graduated!
Also on saturday my brother Christopher Graduated from Utah State in Psychology with a minor in business! We are so proud of him as well! Chris and his cute wife Haylie flew in from Oregon so that he could walk with his class for graduation. We are so glad that we got to spend some time with them and my family this weekend. Thanks for making the trip! Good job Chris! We love you!

Some of the Weston family with the man of the hour at the graduation!

Friday, May 1, 2009

WhOoT wHoOt Go JaZz!

Last week our good friends Lauryn and Jake invited us to go to the Jazz game with them! We went down early and did some shopping and ate at Cheesecake Factory. It was great and what made it even better was that the Jazz played the Lakers and they WON! It was crazy loud but way awesome! Thanks Jake and Lauryn for inviting us! We had a blast!
Logan and I laughing at Jake making faces so we'd smile!
We had pretty high seats but it didn't matter! The Fans were loud everywhere!
Lauryn and I enjoying the game!
Lauryn and Jake in all their Jazz gear! They were better prepared then we were!

It was a good, close game and they pulled through in the end!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

FaReWeLl eLdEr AdAm...

Wednesday the 15th we all sadly climbed into our cars and drove to the Provo Missionary Training Center to say goodbye to Elder Adam Weston for two years to serve the Lord. It really was a good but sad day. We are SO proud of Adam and are excited for him to start this journey. We know that he will be an amazing missionary and will do so much good for the people in Mexico! We already miss him SO much! We love you Ad!

Everyone that came, at the MTC (dad took the pic)

Elder Adam with dad

Elder Adam with mom

Elder Adam, me, and Logan
Logan and Grandma Red
Jill and Cruz with Grandma and Grandpa

Monday, April 6, 2009

TwO aMaZiNg YeArs!

On March 24th Logan and I celebrated our two year anniversary! We didn't take any pictures of our night out but we really had a wonderful time! I just had to write a little something about how much I have loved the past two years being married to such an amazing man! Logan really is the best husband and I appreciate him so much! I am so greatful for all that he has done for me and all that he continues to do. I really could not ask for a better husband and friend. I love you Logan! Thank you for two amazing years!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

MoM AnD tHe BiG 50!

This past week has been crazy busy! But it has been great! At the first of the week my dad called and asked if we could throw my mom a surprise party for her 50th birthday! All the girls in the family were so much help and we really had a fun time planning it all out and shopping for her big day! Friday we planed it all out that my dad would "take her shopping" and we hid a blindfold in his car for him to blindfold her and bring her up to our house! It was the cutest thing ever seeing him lead her into the house with that blindfold on where we were all anxiously waiting! She was surprised as ever when he took it off and we were all there dressed in black! She even started crying! She is such a doll and we couldnt love her more! We are so happy to have her in our lives! Happy birthday Mom! We love you!
Logan and I with the 50 year old birthday girl! Doesnt she look amazing!


This is the amazing cake that Traci came up with! I just loved it!

Here is the whole birthday clan! We sure missed Jake, Joni, Brian, and their cute boys!
It was also cute little Mason's 7th birthday too! He is such a sweet boy and we are so glad that he was born into our family! We love you Mason!

This was Logan's job while we were getting everything ready! He sure loved it! Aren't they so darn cute!

I just had to put these two last pics on here! These two little girls are just so darn cute!

Cute little Ella! We miss you already!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

LeTs Go AgGiEs LeTs Go!

This past week we were able to go to Reno for the WAC tournament. It was so much fun and so great to get away from everything and just relax. It also helped that they did GREAT and won all three games! Yey Aggies! We also got to meet up with some of my family while we were down there and they just made it even better! So thank you all for coming down. We really had a blast!
Whahoo Aggies!

Everyone enjoying the second game!

Logan and I gettin some breakfast

Other then Logan, this is everyone that came! We are so glad that they all did!